We apologize that some unusual names may not be present in our Names Database. Please order CD ONLY AFTER you have confirmed that your child's name exists.
Click Here To Search The Names Database
Search for your child's name in our names database. The names in the database are phonetically spelled. That is, the name "Kurt" may also be spelled "Curt". The pronunciation of these two names in the songs will identical. However, the spelling of your child's name on the CD will be exactly what you desire it to be.
Other examples of names that are spelled differently but are pronounced similarly in the songs are: "Connor", "Conner", "Konnor" and "Konner" OR "Catherine", "Katherine", "Cathryn" and "Kathryn".
Share your love and faith in the Lord through these 10 powerful and fun Christian-themed gospel music songs! This gospel music cd will help them learn about Jesus and many other stories from the Bible such as “Johna and the Whale”, “Father Abraham” and “Noah and his Floating Zoo”. Give your child a great education in the faith of the Lord with this inspirational gospel music cd!
1. Make a joyful noise |
2. Jesus Loves the Little Children |
3. Every Living Thing |
4. Noah and his floating zoo |
5. Climb up Sunshine Mountain |
6. Father Abraham |
7. I am a C |
8. Jonah and the whale |
9. Jesus is |
10. This little light of mine |
11. Jesus loves me |
Due to the personalized nature of this gift, all sales are final. |