In this day and age, getting your children to finish their homework is pretty challenging. There are so many distractions around them at all times. As a result, our children are having a hard time focusing and finding motivation altogether when it comes to schoolwork. And yes, this sounds awful, but don't despair—there is a way to fix this problem. Believe it or not, a huge factor in all this is space. This means it's important for your children to have a special spot in the house that's only for studying and doing homework. Studies show that a specific room or a study corner can trigger motivation and focus because your child is associating it with school. So, in this article, you'll learn how to set up a productive study space for your kids.
Choose a study spot to set up a productive study space for your kids
During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are practically forced to homeschool their kids and create a school-like experience in their houses. This experience was far from easy for both parents and children. Besides finding the balance between school, work, and personal life, you had to find enough space in your home for everybody to get their work done.
Therefore, the first thing on our list to set up a productive study space for your kids is the space itself. You need to find a designated spot in your home that will serve as a study area and nothing else. Ideally, this spot is in your kid's room. Your goal is to encourage independence and bring your youngster to the point where they can study without your supervision.
The most essential thing to remember is to find an area devoid of distractions. For example, if you set the desk near a window that's facing the street, your child will quickly get distracted by passing cars and neighbours in the street.
Therefore, you need to choose a tranquil spot where your child will be able to focus easily. A well-lit corner in their room or anywhere in the house will do the job. Just make sure this study spot is not near or in the middle of the room that undergoes a lot of traffic during the day (kitchen, living room).
A comfortable chair is a must
If you want to set up a productive study space for your kids, you'll have to consider the sitting situation. The fact is your child will spend hours there studying and attending online classes. Unfortunately, constantly being in one position for hours in uncomfortable seating can harm your child's physical health. Therefore, you need to make sure to purchase a proper and comfortable chair.
We recommend investing in a high-quality ergonomic chair with proper lumbar support to provide your youngster with stress-free seating. In addition, the height of the chair must match the height of the desk, so your child doesn't have to bend over while studying. This leads us to our next tip for setting up a productive study space for your kids - a study desk!
Find a functional desk
It is critical to remember that regardless of how large or small the area you choose for your child's schoolwork, you need to create a habit and a particular location to go to every day. Having a designated desk, work surface, or table in your house for homework will assist your child and the entire family in establishing a consistent routine and reducing background distractions.
In this time and age, there are numerous options when it comes to the design and function of a study desk. For example, if your child has a lot of written homework (worksheets, art projects), opt for a desk with concealed storage or file storage. On the other hand, if your youngster spends most of their time on a laptop, tablet, or another gadget to do their schoolwork, try a smaller, simpler writing desk. Additionally, some children are pretty energetic, so an adjustable-height standing desk would be a good solution in this case.
Now, you might be able to get the chair into your home by yourself, but you should let experts deal with heavy pieces such as a study desk. We recommend hiring furniture movers to get rid of the furniture that you want out of the study room and put the one you want in it.
Pick the perfect organization and storage solution
The number of projects and tasks to keep track of will increase as the school year passes. For families with multiple children in different grade levels, the possibility of clutter and disorganization is amplified. A robust organizing system is essential for maintaining a smooth and effective school day.
Shelving with bins is ideal for arranging each child's individual assignments. These can be their at-home lockers. Designate a prepared box of personalized school materials for each kid to reduce sibling rivalry and assist with end-of-day cleanup routines.
When it comes to other organization tools and storage solutions, bins, stackable trays, shallow boxes, and art caddies are all excellent choices that you can put anywhere and move around the room as well.
Make sure to throw in some interesting books on these shelves as well. It's a known fact that books have a very positive effect on a child's mental growth, so putting a few of them in the study space will only make it more productive.
Optimize lighting
You must provide appropriate lighting in your child's study hub in order for them to be able to fully concentrate. Since light has the power to make or break a study, it is a vital component to consider. Furthermore, bad lighting might impair your child's vision, which is the last thing you want. Therefore, the lighting should be balanced, not dim or blinding.
Keep the study space clutter-free
As previously said, it is critical to maintain your child's study area devoid of distractions. However, you cannot do this only by properly situating the furniture. You'll also need to clear up clutter and keep all electrical devices out of reach.
Of course, kids need the internet and social media; that's the place where they communicate and express themselves. However, they need to engage with other information as well. Only this way will they be able to separate right from wrong in the future. That's why electronics shouldn't be present in the study space unless they need it for homework and other school material.
It's also crucial to urge your youngster to tidy up and clear their desk on a regular basis. You may even help them get started by setting up a bi-weekly or monthly decluttering program. This will assist your child in developing highly beneficial habits. Bear in mind that you will most likely encounter some resistance at first. It's common for children to act this way.
As you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider when creating this particular place, from the chair and desk design and function to storage solutions and lights. Even the spot itself is crucial if you want to motivate your children to study. Therefore, you simply can't do this project with little to no effort. Now that you know how to set up a productive study space for your kids, it's time to start making a project plant. Make sure to follow all our tips, and you'll make the best study hub for your little ones for sure!